As a Postscript…

As a big ol’ P.S. to my last post, please correct me if I am just feeding off my own vibes sitting over in the corner on my laptop. If I am completely misreading how everyone else feels, please tell me. I do better as part of an ensemble and rarely feel alienated. I don’t know why I do in this class. Maybe a lot of you guys are just speech and comm majors and this is how our minors in the theatre department feel. If that’s the case, I need to get to work changing that, because I feel like a fish out of water and in a frying pan, y’all (You re-read that once in the voice of Paula Deen, didn’t you? Mission accomplished. Her accent is priceless. Too bad she’s a racist, I think I’d like her if she wasn’t…. Ahhh, digression.). So talk to me. If you’re in that class and read this post, let’s have a dialogue, please? I’d really like to feel more connected and know what you all think rather than guessing from conversations I can’t help but overhear! Thank you!

I Am Overjoyed.

That is a lie. We are being put into random groups in Survey of New Media class, and there are so many people in this class that seem to not want to be here. I haven’t been here, not from lack of want, but from lack of being in town. I feel like I have stepped back into a hornet’s nest. It comes with the territory, though. If you are planning on being in any field that involves entertainment or media of any kind you will have to do ensemble work with people who don’t like you or that you don’t get along with. It’s just in the cards. So, that said, moving on….

Our latest project is a webisode made to promote one of the colleges at UAFS. I sit here and wait for Professor Farrell to assign my group and college. I wait like I am waiting for the executioner’s axe to drop. I can edit video and do fine with that. I have had a youtube channel and posted videos there for years. I have done a lot of promotional stuff and feel like I have generated a bit of content. I hope I get put with people who actually want to collaborate and work together rather than just run in eighty different directions. I hope a leader emerges and that everything gets popped into nice little compartments. That would be wonderful. I am expecting, though, that we will all be like a bunch of cats running around. Isn’t that how college groups always are? Part of that is my own fault. I tend to have ideas that people seem to think are unattainable. My ideas tend to stretch beyond what other folks think should be done. Maybe sometimes those folks are right. Other times, they underestimate me a lot. Either way, my fault. I have been doing all of the things we are doing in this class for years. I’m not gonna just stand up in class and say that. I can do that in Scriptwriting class, because I have spent enough time writing scripts that I know I am qualified to run a workshop on Celtx, just by the seat of pants. It also seems that there is just more of a vibe of being able to do that in that class, no clue why. I just feel like our SoNM class needs to be a bit more open as a whole. Saying that, now, I have to be open to whatever group I get put in and give them everything I can. I’m pretty sure I can do that, even if the rest of my group doesn’t feel the same. I, also, am making all of these assumptions without knowing most of these people. I think that will be changing. We were just given our groups.

We were given the College of Business. I still find it interesting that we are leaving out a few of the colleges every time. Couldn’t we have smaller groups with more coverage of the colleges in the University? That’s a question I pose. Feel free to answer. I am completely open. Also, to my group: Let’s do this… Together.